Why Medical Practitioners Wear Medical Clothing Like Scrubs In Hospitals?

Why Do Medical Practitioners Wear Medical Clothing Like Scrubs In Hospitals?

If you have been to a hospital, a common curious question we are pretty sure you have in your mind is why do medical practitioners like doctors and nurses wear these bright blue, pink and green garments under their coats? And how do they even help?

Well, these short-sleeve V-necked shirts and drawstring pants are known as ‘Medical Scrubs’. Medical scrubs are designed originally to protect patients in the operating room. With increasingly strong bacteria and germs, keeping medical environments sterile and clean is a must. Scrubs as clothing act as an infection control barrier that helps to limit the public’s exposure to germs and bacteria from the hospital patients, and from medical staff to patients.

They were primarily called “scrubs” the reason being they were to be worn in a “scrubbed” environment, where hygiene and transmission safety is of the highest importance, and scrubs help in keeping cross-contamination to a minimum.

In the times of coronavirus pandemic where the rise of COVID positive patients have multiplied, the hospitals also have become a hotspot. These hospital scrubs have become an essential line of defence along with Masks, Gloves and PPE kits, protecting doctors and nurses from contaminants and making their job easier.

Here are some of the benefits that medical professionals, healthcare facilities, and patients gain from scrubs:

1. Protection against bodily fluids: Medical scrubs are made of high-quality thick fabric that prevents a patient’s bodily fluids from making direct contact with the wearer’s skin.

2. High degree of comfort and range of movement: With the erratic and long shift durations of medical practitioners, the scrubs offer an optimum comfort experience and range of motion ranging from long surgeries to tense medical procedures. What’s more? They have larger pockets.

3. High cost efficiency: Due to scrubs wash and rewear nature, they offer maximum use and cost-efficiency. Thanks to the inexpensive high-quality fabric that can last through many years of wash and reuse without compromising on protection.

4. Ease of identification of healthcare professionals: Medical scrubs like every uniform, scrubs offer the assurance of expertise to patients with easy identification of the professionals.

5. Protection against cross-contamination: Cross-contamination is a challenging problem within a medical facility. The use of sterile and clean medical scrubs offer a barrier of protection, preventing the spread of possibly contagious infections and viruses.

If you are looking for scrubs that are comfortable for long term wear scrubs with the highest degree of protection try out Thermissance scrubs.

Thermaissance Antimicrobial Moisture Wicking Scrubs

  • Scientifically proven to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal as per independent tests conducted at ISO certified laboratories in the USA and India.
  • Super breathable and lightweight offering high comfort and breathability throughout the day
  • With over 200 times more effective in sweat management, and resulting in bacterial growth, and reusable for 100+ washes compared to Cotton textiles.

A lifesaver to frontline workers who are struggling with excessive sweating and resulting heat-related illness. Thermaissance Antimicrobial Moisture Wicking Scrubs when worn beneath the Disposable PPE, not only protects against various viruses, bacteria and fungi but also helps the frontline medical workers stay dry and comfortable throughout their shift.

Also read: Do I Need To Wear A Double Mask In COVID-19?