12 reasons why Thermaissance’s Anti-viral technology is far superior

Thermaissance Scrubs can be over 200 times more effective in sweat management and resulting bacterial growth
May 21, 2021
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12 reasons why Thermaissance’s Anti-viral technology is far superior

Global market has been flooded with various masks and other textile products claiming to have Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial features. In this post, we will share with you why Thermaissance technology is superior, scientifically approved and extremely safe to use.


1. Developed after years of research, Thermaissance technology is scientifically proven to successfully inactivate viruses, bacteria and fungi

Thermaissance is a technology developed after years of research. Various antimicrobial agents are impregnated in the fabrics at different stages of fabric manufacturing. These agents tightly bind into the fabric, and break the structure of viruses and bacteria when these come in contact with the fabric.  Thus, the pathogens lose its ability to infect and the wearer stays protected.

Thermaissance technology has been scientifically tested for its Anti-viral, Anti-bacteria and Anti-fungal features. It has been proven to be effective against enveloped viruses like coronaviruses. Our technology is also effective against various gram positive and gram negative bacteria, and has been specifically proven to kill bacteria causing pneumonia. The technology is also effective in inhibiting the growth of fungi.

Thermaissance was awarded in 2019 with ‘Top 50 Innovative Healthcare Companies in the World’ by International Forums of Advancement in Healthcare (IFAH) for our fight against various infections.


2. All testing conducted at IS0 17025, ILAC laboratories, as per WHO requirement

World Health Organization, in its technical specifications guidance for PPE has stated the following:

“Official test reports (all pages, in English) must either originate from accredited test labs, whereby the accreditation authority is preferably a member of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), or from an EU notified body. Accredited facilities should be ISO 17025 certified.

As mentioned above, it is mandatory for all tests to be conducted at accredited laboratories which are ISO 17025 certified. While many of our competitors have got their test results from universities or labs that are not accredited, we take this requirement seriously. All our features have been scientifically validated only at ISO 17025 certified laboratories, be it in the USA or in India. Further, these laboratories are members of ILAC through NABL and A2LA. Any results from ISO 17025 certified labs are considered to be valid results in different countries, thereby promoting confidence in the test results generated.

Next time, when you read someone claiming themselves to be Anti-viral, anti-bacterial technology, do spare a time to check their test results and the testing lab.


3. Actual ISO approved protocols followed for testing technology’s effectiveness against viruses and bacteria

This again is where we beat many of our competitors.

There are various internationally accepted testing standards, that are further recognized by ISO. Example – To test a textile’s effectiveness against viruses, ISO 18184 protocol has to be followed by the testing lab. ISO 18184 protocol mandates a certain procedure, including inoculation of 1ml of the virus (~30000+ coronavirus strains). Many international companies have got their testing done on 0.2 ml or less at university levels and have claimed to have an anti-viral activity of 99% in less than 2 hours. The same fabric, when tested on 1 ml load (as required by ISO 18184) will have result of 99% inactivation in 6 hours. Hence, the customers should also note whether the testing protocol used is an actual ISO version or modified version.

Our anti-viral and anti-bacterial tests have been conducted only as per the actual testing standards. And our technology’s effectiveness against coronavirus is 93.19% in 5 mins and >99.99% in 1 hour.


4. All tests have been conducted on our fully processed fabrics and end products

There are several players who coat the fabrics using liquid-based antiviral agents. Unfortunately, most of these players, never test the end fabric for anti-viral, anti-bacterial activity. It is wrong to assume that if the liquid-based agents have antiviral activity, the coating on fabrics will make the fabrics antiviral and have equally good antiviral efficacy. Infact, each fabric (cotton, polyester, silk, etc) will show different activity even if the same agents are used.

Thermaissance technology’s effectiveness is only tested on the end product ie. Fabrics. This to ensure that the fabric which will be stitched into masks, gloves, coveralls, scrubs, etc is finally effective against various viruses, bacteria and fungi.


5. Technology’s effectiveness last for longer period

Once again, we beat our competitors on this parameter by a huge margin. Even after 60 commercial washes (equivalent to 141 gentle washes), Thermaissance technology’s effectiveness against various pathogens continue to be 99.99%. This has been scientifically proven through a testing at ISO 17025 certified laboratory. Most of our competitors (in India, and outside India), are still at ~30 gentle washes or less – thus we last 370% longer, making all our products cost effective.

Beware of certain companies who have antiviral effectiveness for 30 gentle washes, but mention as 200+ days of use (they ask users to wash it once a week).


6. Thermaissance technology is non-toxic, and non-leaching

Thermaissance fabrics have been tested against all the banned amines in textile industry and have been proven to be non-toxic. We use only EPA antimicrobial agents and are extremely safe for use. Our customers do not have to worry about whether the mask they wear on their mouths are safe or not.

Our technology is also non leaching, meaning active antimicrobial agents do not leach (leave) or get transferred from the surface. Our technology has been able to withstand heavy abrasion during 60 commercial washes as well. While this makes the technology remain effective for longer period, it also helps protect the drainage systems and our marine life.


7. Thermaissance technology is pH neutral and skin friendly

Yes, pH value is extremely important in textiles too. Unfortunately, it is also most ignored. pH value ranges from 0 to 14, 7 represents neutral (that of water). The pH values in textiles can be affected by washing, bleaching, scouring, and various after treatments. Too high or too low pH can cause skin irritations. Thermaissance fabric is pH neutral. Even after heavy abrasion 60 commercial washes, pH value of Thermaissance fabric was at 7.1, indicating that the fabric is skin friendly and does not cause any irritation.


8. Choice of moisture wicking, fluid repellent or thermal regulator products 

If you sweat a lot, our moisture wicking products are best suited for you. The moisture wicking products allow sweat to evaporate faster to keep you light and dry.

Our fluid repellent products provide a barrier against water and various liquids. These are especially suited for those who need splash resistance against various liquids.

Our thermal regulator products help maintain body temperature of the wearer. These are best suited for users who feel shivery or who prefer warmness.


9. Our products are light weight and breathable

This is one area we score again. Irrespective of whether you buy the moisture wicking or fluid repellent or thermal regulator variants, all our products are extremely lightweight and have super breathability to ensure that you stay comfortable for entire day. In fact, a two-layer Thermaissance mask has a super breathability at 26 pa/cm2, one of the highest in the industry.


10. Our products are recyclable

All our products are textile-based, which are fully recyclable. Compared to disposable textiles, the solid waste generation from our products is reduced by 99%, thus making them environment friendly. We adopt UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in our business and follow the best practices to ensure that we protect the environment while protecting our people.


11. Thermaissance fabric is graded as Class I fabric as per the US Consumer Product Safety Commission

Thermaissance fabric has cleared standard test method for flammability of apparel textiles and have been graded as Class I textiles (highest rated) based on average time of flame spread.


12. Thermaissance technology is recognized by NITI Aayog, the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India and by Mazumdar Shaw Foundation’s BIONEST program

Thermaissance technology and our products were selected as ‘Top 16 Covid-19 Solutions’ by NITI Aayog. Further, we have been recognized under the AGNIi, which is a program by the Prinicipal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (https://www.agnii.gov.in/innovation/covid-19-killer-products). Further, our innovation has been also recognized by Mazumdar Shaw’s MedTech Innovation Center, supported by BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology and Narayana Health. Additionally, our entity and our products are also registered with US-FDA.


  1. RKPVerma says:

    I have been using this product for several months, comfortable and covers nose and mouth properly, breathable and looks decent as well. So far, we have been protected during the current pandemic. All our family members rely on this product for protection against Covid

  2. Samir Javeri says:

    I have been using your masks for last couple of months …they are very good but last two times after wearing it for an hour or so I developed sore throat ….will try third time soon and see …may be becoz of some chemicals used in the mask ?

    • Admin says:

      Dear Mr. Javeri – Are you washing the masks regularly after your use? Ideally, we recommend washing every alternate day so that the dead pathogens are washed away from the mask. Please let us know the case with you.

      • Samir Javeri says:

        I have never used the mask again without washing so it is certainly not becoz of that.

        Third time also after an hour of wearing it, I had sore throat…so some chemical in the mask bothering my sensitive throat for sure…that doesn’t happen when I wear N95 masks…

  3. Sandip Pawar says:

    I am your existing customer. Me and my family are using your make nose mask from September 2020. I am very satisfied with the quality of your products. I feel very comfortable and relaxed when the mask is ON even continuously using it for more than 10 hrs. No breathing difficulty or sweating issue or other discomfort. If I don’t wear your mask and try to use other make mask, I feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
    The kind of documentation you have done to demonstrate your product safety is appreciable. In this difficult Covid-19 times, you came up with such science based innovative and safe products is really commendable job. Wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Keep innovating.

    Thank you.

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