So you step out of your home with your phone, wallet and keys, halfway through your walk you start thinking, “Have I forgotten something?”
And you rush back to collect your precious COVID savior.
Your Covid Killer Reusable Face Mask.
By wearing a mask while stepping outside you have won half the battle against the virus, the other half of course involves following other precautionary measures for your safety. However, a mask is only effective when worn right.
An antiviral mask offers a high degree of protection to you as well as protecting those around you. In this article, we will be sharing 5 important things to keep in mind while wearing a mask:
1. The mask should cover your nose and mouth
Make sure the mask fits to cover your nose, mouth and chin and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. If you adjust the mask to cover those areas, wash your hands before and after with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. On the contrary, if you are using Thermaissance’s Covid Killer masks, then you do not need to worry about touching the mask as Thermaissance masks not only have the best fitting but their antiviral property kills 93.19% in 5 mins and >99.99% in 1 hour making them reliable self-sanitizing masks.
2. Don’t remove the mask while talking
You’ll often spot people who naturally tend to remove their mask while talking, this dissolves the purpose of an antiviral mask. The droplets from your mouth can easily escape and can be a treat to others. When you are in any place where you need to wear a mask, don’t remove it unless absolutely necessary for activities like eating food. Thermaissance masks are made of super breathable fabrics which makes it unnecessary to remove the mask at any point and avoids the feeling of suffocation.
3. Don’t remove your mask even when you are alone, publicly
The common myth is that if no one is around you, there isn’t any necessity to wear a mask. Research, however, proves otherwise. The deadly coronavirus can stay active in the air for quite some time. This means, even if nobody is around you, it is likely for the virus to still be present in the air around you. A mask, thus, is a must in public spaces.
4. Adjust your mask to fit perfectly
Having gaps between your nose region and the mask or chin and the mask is a big no. Look for a mask, like the reusable face mask by Thermaissance, that comes with an adjustable nose clip and ear loop adjuster. This helps to resize the mask as per your face structure.
5. Make sure the mask is breathable
One of the major problems with masks is that they tend to become suffocating after a point. If you are among those who need to stay out for hours due to work, having a comfortable and breathable mask is a must. The Thermaissance reusable face mask is made of 2 layers and yet is perfect for all-day wear and provides superior comfort.
If you are looking for a mask that offers comfort for longer wear, with the highest degree of protection, try out Thermissance’s range of advanced masks.
Thermaissance Covid Killer Reusable Masks are scientifically proven to be anti-viral, antibacterial and antifungal, thanks to its fabric technology that has proven to inactivate >99.99% coronavirus in less than an hour. The masks are purely fabric-based unlike most masks found in the market that are made using disguised plastic components. Our masks are super comfortable, breathable and skin-friendly (pH neutral on your skin) with anti-microbial efficacy that lasts for 140 to 150 gentle washes.
Also read: Do I Need To Wear A Double Mask In COVID-19?